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Monday, July 16, 2007

Above The Clouds

Above The Clouds
Originally uploaded by cozmosis.
I don't know how things have been where you are, but it's been a crazy busy summer up on the Park Hill -- and everywhere else the Cossey Camp has ventured, for that matter. So, Terri & I decided that we needed to take a break.

Although we had our minds set on destinations much further away, we decided to keep our journey within the Natural State to save up sales tax money for our most recent automobile purchase. (Hint: We are no longer crazy about a Mercury. Instead, we are driving excitement.)

My brother's apartment in Fayetteville had been sitting empty most of the summer, so we drove to Washington County and made use of the free digs. Maybe it's because northwest Arkansas doesn't know the rest of the state exists... Or that it's not really conveniently located close to anything... Or because I'm a southern Arkansas boy who went to college in Louisiana... But I've been neglecting that corner of the state. Regardless of why, I'm glad that I've mended my ways.

Although I won't bore you (anymore than I already have) with a hour by hour travel journal, I will tell you about one detour we made. On the way up, we abandoned the interstate near Clarksville and headed toward Mount Magazine. I'd see pictures, read a brochure or two and heard tales, but until last week, I'd never been on the state's highest hill/mountain/plateau (depending on your geological beliefs).

The afternoon had brought massive rain and clouds upon the state, so I was a bit worried if we'd be able to see anything once we made the drive to the top. As it turns out, all we could see were clouds from the northwest side of the mountain -- the tops of the clouds. I imagine that anytime you can be standing on solid Earth and look down upon the clouds, you're in a good spot. It's amazing to consider that such a sight has been sitting there all this time -- only a few more than a 100 miles from my door -- undiscovered by me. Makes you wonder what else is out there doing the same.