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Saturday, January 26, 2002

ARCHIVE: Students should be among prioritiesMichael

Originally published in The Pow Wow, January 26, 2002

My mood was a happy mix between elation and melancholy as I completed my application for graduation last week. I was excited to be near the end of another chapter in my life but felt disappointed that I wouldn't be sticking around to see the school I love return to glory.

Of course, that's how I felt last week. Having my newspaper get the cold shoulder Tuesday afternoon sort of sucked the disappointment out of me.

University of Louisiana System President Sally Clausen was in town Tuesday to meet with state legislators regarding some of the university's academic programs. Following her private meeting with the lawmakers, Clausen held a press conference in University Library.

According to the Pow Wow reporter in attendance, Clausen spoke about not wanting to have any secrets. She was even quoted saying as much in Wednesday's edition of The News Star. Personally, I'm disappointed with those comments because the meeting was almost a secret to your student newspaper.

There was no fax. There was no e-mail. There was no voice mail message. Neither the university or the University of Louisiana System bothered to include the voice of the student body "in the loop."

If one of our reporters had not been hunting down administrators for a story and stumbled across the press conference, we wouldn't have known about it at all.

Perhaps this is proof that few things are as handy as a dedicated reporter with good timing. But unfortunately, this is proof that things aren't much different in the new year than they were in the old. The ULM cast list has seen some changes recently, but the story line seems the same.

I don't want to come across as suggesting this situation was intentional. I've dealt with Clausen and company before and they seem like good, honest people. Perhaps this was just a good, honest mistake. But when inviting folks to the party Tuesday, the people we trust to run our institution seemed to overlook the students. Such an occurrence -- regardless of the intent (or lack thereof) -- is never acceptable.

This university exists because of students. Period. The end. If the student body left here tomorrow, the university would cease to exist. I don't say that to be arrogant, but merely as a reminder to those who might have forgotten.

With enrollment dropping the way it is, the dwindling masses that remain wouldn't mind being courted a little. If the university can appear to care more about the students that are still around... It might just be possible to make those students care about their university.
• • • • • •
Maybe it's just me, but the fact that our new president is slated to start work April 1 has me a little worried. ULM has seen more than it's fair share of difficulty. If you think about it, having our new leader report to duty on April Fool's Day might not be the best idea.

Michael Cossey is a Monticello, Ark. Radio, Television & Film senior and chief of staff of The Pow Wow.

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