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Friday, December 2, 2005

Eight Days

There is really only one "city" in Arkansas -- Little Rock. Not only does it have the most people and the largest buildings, but it's the captial and is centrally located. Literally, all roads in the state lead here.

Because of this status, Little Rock seemed to be where every state convention in high school was held. I don't miss a lot about high school, but I miss those conventions. What could be better than playing legal hookie from school and heading out to the big city for a weekend? As you top the hill past the last exit on Interstate 530, the skyline comes into view. In high school, that skyline meant liberty from our ordinary lives in the small town.

Today, I topped that hill after eight days of vacation spent in the metropolis of Monticello. It's odd than in a decade's time, the exact same view can mean something totally different. Instead of giving me the feeling of freedom... topping that hill today and seeing our few tall buildings provided me the reassurance of being home.

Of the few long vacations I've taken from work... I think I feel the most relaxed following this one. I love my job. I love where I live. I love the people in my life. But sometimes, even the good things in life become confusing. Every now and then, one has to hit the pause button and take a breath. That's what the last eight days have been for me. Ahhh.

Tomorrow, I hit play. Pray for me.

1 comment:

Brett said...

I guess I never thought about it, but out of all the folks I know, it just makes sense now that you like the show "Rescue Me." It's a great fucking show ain't it?
And you can never go wrong with a Shoney's breakfast bar.