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Thursday, January 4, 2007

Happy New Year -- A Real Post

I guess that a shorter post is now in order. After reloading my blog a few times while tweaking the elements, I really noticed how incredibly long that last post was. I know you people wait anxiously at your laptops for my every word... but that might have been overkill. Of course, it wasn't original. I stole it from Alison. Blame her.

I'm not sure if the phrase "New Year" has ever been so fitting as it is this time around. Okay, so actually, it was very fitting in January 1978 when I was new for the first time -- like two weeks old new --- but 2007 is the most recent trophy-winner.

1. I have a new (to me) house. (June)
2. I have a new wife. (November)
3. I have a new roommate. (Wife finally moved in during December)

For the third time in five years, Terri & I rang in the new year at the firehouse. (A few photos of which can be found at Flickr.) C-Shift+1 watched the ball drop, made a toast of sparkling cider to the new year and shot fireworks in the parking lot. It wasn't a fancy party, but it's hard to go wrong celebrating NYE with the guys you spend one-third of your life with and the woman who claims the other two-thirds.

When 2005 became 2006, I had no idea what lay ahead of me in the 12 months that followed. In all honesty, I had no idea that I'd be shopping for engagement rings two weeks later or that I'd be engaged in three. If someone had told me the story of 2006 to me one year ago today, I know I wouldn't have believed a word of it. Of course, that's probably the way life should go -- simply hold on and enjoy the ride. In that case, I wonder where I'll be this time in 2008.

1 comment:

missamanda said...

i loved the christmas card. it was the best one this year!