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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Where's The Fire?

Onlookers Wait To See Fire
Originally uploaded by cozmosis.

Well, this is the first time I've ever tried to blog a photo from Flickr into "Blogging For Apples." I figured this was as good as any photo because of the various expressions.

For some background, most of the C-Shift kids were over at Casa de Cossey for the house's first official gathering on people who aren't our kin. Bull was putting the finishing touches on a dessert and expected to impress the masses with burning rum. Yet, the rum wouldn't light. It took several tries -- and several servings of rum -- to get the desired effect. He might has well have been pouring diesel in there. Of course, let things keep their current pace and diesel will cost more than the rum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would you be interested/willing in doing a small website for someone here in Monticello?

Email me at jeff [at] nobledesign [dot] us.
