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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Road Trip

Road Trip
Originally uploaded by cozmosis.

Sometimes, you need to take a break from life. Like my boy Ferris Beuller said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and take a look around once in a while, you might miss it."

Wednesday, I cashed in 24 hours of vacation time and Terri & I made a mini road trip down to Monroe. Paul Sanchez -- sans Cowboy Mouth -- was in town on his first-ever tour since leaving the band. Having gone without a Cowboy Mouth experience since before The Storm, I knew that seeing Paul solo would be the next best thing... and, just perhaps, even better.

When God made the heaven and earth, I imagine the weather was something like it was last night and today. That set the stage. When you add to that nearly 24 hours without any sort of responsibility -- except to enjoy each other's company and have a good time -- as well as the companionship of some old friends and being surrounded by live music... Well, you've got the perfect break from everyday life.

Of course, you've gotta enjoy the good moments while they last. We're home now and it's time for life to resume it's normal, crazy pace.


missamanda said...

we want pics!!! let me know how we can get some of the one's you took! SO good to see Terri and you again!

Cossey said...

I've uploaded one of you & Jacob. Click on the road sign pic and when Flickr loads, it'll be the next one in my photostream.