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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Erin Go Bragh!

Lyon College Piper
Originally uploaded by cozmosis.
Okay, so I'm not Irish. At least, I don't think I am. To be honest, the gene pool's probably so diluted at this point, I could be a lot of things. Lucky for me, everyone who dons a bit of green at this time of year is just Irish enough.

I was supposed to work on the ambulance Saturday. I woke up after not nearly enough sleep and was on my post by the start of my 6:30 a.m. shift. As it turns out, I was missing one thing -- a partner.

After three and a half hours of standing (sometimes sitting) ever-vigilant and waiting for a paramedic to join me, I was happily sent home. To me, time to do as I please is more important than the money I would have earned while being bored to tears. Besides, I saved the company a few bucks in the process.

So, instead of yanking lives from the brink of death all day long (heh), Terri & I went to the Little Rock-North Little Rock Saint Patrick's Day Parade. Other than it not being on St. Patty's Day (which is understandable as a I can't see a Monday parade being a big hit in Little Rock)... it was quite the event. We saw bagpipers, a man and woman riding toilets down Main Street, fire trucks, puppy dogs, Shriners and a man scooping up horse poop... All while standing in the intersection of Main & Broadway. I'm telling you -- I would have been hard-pressed to beat that with a day on the ambulance.

As is usually the case, visit Flickr for pictures of it all.

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