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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Something New Just For New's Sake

Every once in a while, I'll click on one of those links you see to the right and won't find new content. I think to myself, "those folks really should write more." I then return to my blog so that I can follow another link in my never-ending search for something new to read. Somehow in that process, I fail to recognize the date of the most recent post here at BFA (before today, it was November 18, 2007).

Pot, meet kettle.

1 comment:

missamanda said...

i've noticed, but not commented... you need to tell us what's up ? i know that as a new homeowner u have got to have some funny "house" stories by now. surely we are not the only ones dealing with the everlasting surprises the house will give you... plumbing, yard, heating, oh- plumbing...