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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Save Our Station!

As you can imagine, I'm a big supporter of sufficient fire protection in both the community where I work and in the community where I live. (Actually, I support sufficient fire protection everywhere... but I'm only one man.)

Lately, the kids in North Little Rock's city administration have been toying with the idea of closing the Park Hill fire station so that they can shuffle firefighters around and provide coverage in the eastern part of the city. I'm against this for a couple of reasons... First, the Park Hill station is about 50 yards from my house and, second, because the city should add firefighters as the city grows, not spread them out across more area.

As part of the neighborhood's efforts to keep the station open, I've created SaveOurStation.Org. It's still in it's infancy, but I invite you to check it out and tell me what you think.

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